Helmet regulations
Extract From 2024 Motorsport UK Blue Book (for full details visit Blue Book):
Crash Helmets
10.1. Crash helmets bearing an MSA/Motorsport UK approval
sticker must be worn at all times during training, practice and
competition. The user must ensure that the helmet is to a
standard currently specified (10.3.1), that it fits properly, is
secured properly and that it is in a serviceable condition. It is
strongly recom mended that a flame resistant balaclava, helmet
bib or face mask also be worn.
10.2. Total protection can never be given by any headgear,
and the best of crash helmets may not entirely prevent head
injury or death in a severe accident. Helmet users must
understand that helmets are deliberately constructed so that
the energy of a severe blow will be absorbed by the helmet
and thereby partially destroy it. The damage may not be readily
apparent; it is essential therefore that any helmet receiving a
blow in an accident is either replaced or returned to the
manufacturer for competent inspection – this of necessity must
be the responsibility of the helmet user, who will have been
aware of the circumstances under which the helmet was struck.
It is not possible nor indeed reasonable to expect the
scrutineer, in every case, to observe significant damage. Where
there is any doubt about the helmet’s fitness for its intended
purpose then the Chief Scrutineer is empowered to remove the
MSA/Motorsport UK Approval Sticker and impound the helmet
for the duration of the meeting. This should be a rare
occurrence since competitors must appreciate that, once a
helmet has served its purpose, it is not only sensible but
necessary to replace it. It is the competitor themselves who
must ensure that the helmet which they use is fully fit for its
purpose; it is clear that this is a small insurance to pay for one’s
life. The competitor also might consider that, should they
survive an accident, but receive head injuries having knowingly
used a previously damaged helmet, they could be placing an
enormous burden of care upon their family.
10.2.1. Impounding of helmets
Case 1 Pre-Event. If the helmet does not conform with the
required Standards or is in a poor or dangerous condition, the
Chief Scrutineer will impound the helmet for the duration of
the Meeting, removing the MSA/Motorsport UK sticker. At the
close of the Meeting the helmet will be returned, as received,
with the exception of the MSA/Motorsport UK sticker, to the
competitor concerned.
Case 2 Accident during the Event. If the competitor is injured
and the helmet is damaged, the Chief Scrutineer will impound
the helmet and remove the MSA/Motorsport UK sticker then
seek the advice of the Steward as to further action.
Case 3 Accident during Event and competitor evacuated to
hospital with head injuries. The Chief Scrutineer will make sure
that the helmet has been seen by the Chief Medical Officer,
they will then impound the helmet and remove the
MSA/Motorsport UK sticker. Unless the Chief Medical Officer
wishes to retain the helmet it must be despatched to the
Technical Department at Motorsport UK. Unless specifically
called for by the competitor it will be disposed of after six
10.3. The competitor is reminded of the following essential
criteria when buying or using their helmet:
(a) Correct Standard.
(b) Correct Fit.
(c) Security.
(d) Condition.
10.3.1. Standards. Helmets bearing one of the under
mentioned ‘standards’ may be approved by Motorsport UK
subject to other criteria being met. See also
drawing 10.3.1.
FIA 8860-2010
FIA 8859-2015
FIA 8860-2018
FIA 8860-2018-ABP
SNELL SA2015 (Not valid after 31.12.26)
(b) In addition the following are acceptable for:
Motorsport UK National Kart Racing Events (with
exception of Kart Drivers under 15 years of age, Cadet
and Bambino Drivers) and Motorsport UK National Junior
Drag Racing:
(c) For all International Events please refer to the FIA
Kart Drivers under 15 years of age, Cadet and Bambino
Drivers. The weight of the helmet may be checked at
any time during an event and must not weigh more
than 1,550g:
Part of the approval procedure is to affix a Motorsport UK
sticker to the outside of the helmet in the approximate location
of the driver’s right ear. Stickers may only be affixed by selected
scrutineers, by Motorsport UK at Motorsport UK House, or by
selected manufacturers, after the helmet has been checked for
conformity with the standard required and is considered to be
in a satisfactory condition.
MSA/Motorsport UK approval stickers, for which a fee of £2.50
is charged, are printed on foil, and once individually affixed,
cannot be reapplied. Note: Stickers supplied since 01/01/08 are
individually numbered.
Note that helmet standards are regularly reviewed and
updated, and superseded. Standards will periodically cease to
be acceptable; hence an element of ‘lifing’ will always remain.
Helmets approved for use in all disciplines require a blue
MSA/Motorsport UK sticker to be affixed. Helmets which are
accepted for use in kart racing only require a green or yellow
where applicable MSA/Motorsport UK sticker to be affixed.
These stickers are available from issuing scrutineers.
10.3.2. Fit and Security. To ensure satisfactory fit and security
of your helmet, proceed as follows:
(a) Obtain correct size by measuring the crown of your
(b) Check that there is no side-to-side movement; a helmet
should be as closely fitting as possible consistent with
(c) Tighten straps securely – the chin strap must be under
tension at all times; ensure therefore that the strap
cannot slip. Chin cups are prohibited.
(d) With head forward attempt to pull up the back of the
helmet, to ensure the helmet cannot be removed in this
(e) Ensure you can see clearly over each shoulder.
(f) Make sure nothing impedes your breathing in the helmet
and never cover your nose or mouth other than with a
flame resistant balaclava or face mask. Helmets with
life-support attachments must only be worn if they are
connected to a life-support system.
(g) Never wear a scarf, tie or other loose clothing which
could come loose and possibly cause an accident.
(h) Ensure that the visor can be opened with one gloved
(i) Satisfy yourself that the back of the helmet provides
protection for your neck.
(j) Do not buy from mail order unless you can satisfactorily
carry out the above checks; return a helmet unused if it
does not fit.
10.3.3. Condition and Care of Helmet
(a) The user themselves must bear the prime responsibility
for ensuring that their helmet is fit for the purpose
intended, since significant damage to the helmet may
have been sustained without this being apparent to the
(b) Anything other than minor superficial damage is likely to
result in the scrutineer removing the Motorsport UK
sticker and impounding the helmet for the event.
(c) It is in everyone’s interest for the competitor to buy the
best helmet they can and to look after it (the best is not
necessarily the most expensive). A helmet bag should
always be used.
(d) There must be no alteration to the structure of a helmet.
Where a radio intercom is fitted this should only be
done in accordance with the helmet manufacturer’s
instructions. Fitment of cameras to helmets by whatever
means is not permitted unless an integral camera is
provided by the helmet manufacturer and that model of
helmet is approved under one of the accepted standards.
(e) Use only a weak solution of soft soap and water to clean
the interior and exterior of the helmet; do not get the
interior too wet.
(f) Some moulded plastic helmets although they meet
approved standards can be seriously damaged by
substances such as petrol, paint, adhesives, cleaning
agents and stickers (not the Motorsport UK stickers) –
such damage may not always be apparent; however,
crazing or obvious dulling of the surface finish could
indicate serious structural weakening of the helmet and
is likely to result in the scrutineer removing the
Motorsport UK sticker and impounding the helmet for
the event.
(g) The helmet should be stored, preferably in a helmet bag,
in a cool dry place away from
sunlight when not in use. Do not strap the helmet to the
roll cage or allow other unrestrained movement which
could cause the helmet to be damaged.
(h) A good helmet, properly cared for, is one very important
link in a long chain of safety measures. Do not allow it
to become the weak link. Do not rely on others. You are
responsible for your own safety. Do not, through your
own fault, become a grave burden to others.
10.4. FHR Device
It is permitted to incorporate the use of an FIA approved FHR
Device fitted in accordance with FIA regulations and the below.
For Motorsport UK National Events in addition to helmets listed
by the FIA as recognised for use with FHR, helmets to Snell
SA2015, Snell SA2020 are accepted subject to the anchorage
points being marked as homologated to FIA 8858-2010.
10.4.1. Part of the approval procedure is to affix an
Motorsport UK sticker to the yoke of the FHR device.
Stickers may only be affixed by selected scrutineers, by
Motorsport UK at Motorsport UK House, or by selected
manufacturers, after the FHR device has been checked for
conformity with the standard required and is considered to be
in a satisfactory condition.
Motorsport UK approval stickers, for which a fee of £2.50 is
charged, are printed on foil, and once individually affixed,
cannot be reapplied. Note: Stickers are individually numbered.
Where there is any doubt about the device’s fitness for its
intended purpose then the Chief Scrutineer is empowered to
remove the Motorsport UK Approval Sticker and impound the
FHR Device for the duration of the meeting.
The FHR Device may also be impounded by the Chief
Scrutineer in the same cases as the helmet per 10.2.1.